Best Massage in Cusco - Take care of your body in the mountains

Treat yourself to a massage with our experienced massage therapist in Cusco. Your body will thank you.

Whether you spend 4 rigorous days on the InkaTrail to Machu Picchu, hike to the ruins of Saccsaywaman, or spend your days roaming the streets of Cusco, your body is bound to feel stress from exertion at a high altitude, where less oxygen reaches the muscles, causing them to be tender and sore.
We customize each massage session to the specific needs of every client and often incorporate techniques from several types of massage to ensure that you receive the best and most appropriate treatment.

There are many types of massage. We will be able to help you discover the type that benefits you the most.
Here is a list of the massage styles we offer:

Your session can be more than 1 hour and can include energy healing work.
For example:
1 hour massage, reiki and chakra alignment.
1 hour massage, reiki and aura cleansing.
Craniosacral therapy, reiki and chakra alignment.
2 hour massage, craniosacral therapy and chakra alignment.

We use a combination of various modalities to treat injuries and chronic pain.

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The hiking experience can sometimes become bad. Especially where you have to sleep on the hard surface that you are not used to. There are also bad experiences when trying to achieve more during the hike and you really get tired. Some places you will fall as you try to get to the highest point while in others you are not able to achieve what your friends are achieving. In other times, you miss being home although you came to enjoy trekking. All these put together, have a psychological effect in your body, and you need to get rid of them after the hiking experience.

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Is a massage designed to manipulate deeply into the tissues to unblock and release chronic tension which accumulates in the muscles. Stretching, mobilization techniques and various massage movements are used to rebalance and restore body’s vitality.

Helps alleviate stress from the body due to strenuous exercise. The physiological benefits of the massage include improved blood and lymph circulation, muscle relaxation. It relieves stiffness and soreness and adds to more flexibility with less potential for further injury.
Full body massage
Using a medium to heavy pressure for tired, aching muscles; this massage will help to break down small knots and tense muscles.

Two people can enjoy their massage experience together, side-by-side in our couple’s room. It’s the perfect way to enjoy some quality time together.

Relaxation massage is a smooth, gentle, flowing style that promotes general relaxation, relieves muscular tension, plus improves circulation and range of movement.

Is an ancient healing art, which has its roots in India and is widely used in Thailand and Western countries today. The practitioner guides the recipient through a series of yoga postures while palming and thumbing along the body’s energy lines where “Prana” the life force energy flows. Blockages in this life force may cause aches, pains and even disease. The gentle stretching movements, energy line and pressure point work produces a uniquely relaxing yet energizing and highly effective therapeutic treatment, that relieves muscular tension, improves circulation, boosts the immune system and balances the body energetically. Thai Yoga Massage is ideal for anyone regardless of their level of flexibility.
Thai Yoga Massage is performed on a mat on the floor; both client and practitioner are dressed in comfortable clothing allowing ease of movement and flexibility. Thai yoga massage does not use oils or creams.

Also known as Acupressure is a Japanese finger pressure massage technique. The therapist applies pressure using thumbs, fingers and palms of hands to specific areas of the body, to unblock energy and enable the optimal flow of Ki (Chi) or life force energy. The benefits include deep muscle relaxation and improved circulation. Comfortable clothing is worn and generally Shiatsu is carried out on a futon.

Is a gentle form of body therapy performed in warm water, (around 35°C.) It combines elements of massage, joint mobilization, shiatsu, muscle stretching and dance. The receiver is continuously supported while being floated, cradled, rocked and stretched. The deeply relaxing effects of warm water and nurturing support, combine with Watsu’s movements, stretches, massage and point work, to create a bodywork with a range of therapeutic benefits and potential healing on many levels.

This path is simple but profound: It’s about wholeheartedly celebrating the sacredness of our bodies and desires while bringing a quality of mindful awareness to the shared expression of pleasure. It’s a 2 hour long experience.

It’s intention is to make You feel pleasure within the boundaries that you establish. If you wish, you can envision or create in your mind how you would like the massage to be and communicate it with me to be on the same page and connect through the experience. It’s all about allowing you to find yourself and empower yourself.

Receive a healing massage under the wonderful effects of Psilocybin mushroom. Blissful journey.

Visit our parallel project a Psychedelic exploration and Healing Experience

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